
Sorry, this page is undergoing a revamp!


  • Name: Aurora Stellina

  • Nickname: Rory

  • Sex: yes please Female

  • Age: Late 20s (estimated 28)

  • Race: Miqo'te - Keeper of the Moon

  • Orientation: Bisexual

  • Job: Dragoon, Weaver, Culinarian

  • Occupation: Vocalist, social media influencer



  • ✧ Social media

  • ⋆ Singing and dancing

  • ✧ Naps in the sun

  • ⋆ Going to cafes

  • ✧ Fishing

  • ⋆ Sweets and pastries

  • ✧ Cooking and baking

  • ⋆ Gardening

  • ✧ Lemon flavored anything

  • ⋆ Cuddling, platonically and romantically

  • ✧ Sewing


  • ⋆ Combat (please don't make her fight)

  • ✧ Pineapple or coconut

  • ⋆ Wearing shoes

  • ✧ Seeing her friends be mistreated

  • ⋆ Spicy food

  • ✧ Being left out

  • ⋆ Being made to feel like she needs to win someone's approval

  • ✧ The existential vacuum of space

A bit of a wild child, Rory is a ball of chaotic energy wrapped in a flower crown and pink ribbon. She is overly friendly with people, even complete strangers, and loves to make new friends, all of which she holds dear, as she values the uniqueness of each friendship she forms.Given that she has amnesia, no memories of her life prior to waking up in the carriage ride to Gridania, she prefers to live in the moment and not dwell on things, especially with so much out of her control. While she does worry that she may lose her memories again, she's grateful for those in her life who keep her around and make her life feel like it's worth living. Some friends have even put measures in place, should it happen again; Kit gave her a crystal that she can use to store memories, which puts her at ease.She splits her time between staying home and going out, whether it be with the Scions, visiting friends or partners, or traveling.She really got into the nature of social media as it sprang up in the world with the rise of the use of Tomephones, becoming immersed in the Hydaelyn equivalents of things like Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok (of which I affectionately deemed Kwehtter, Kupogram, and [insert TikTok equivalent, I can't think of one.]) She began posting videos of her antics with the boys, as well as videos of herself singing, which eventually went viral and gained her a sizable following and dedicated fanbase. She has gone on to learn different forms of dance, with the hope of becoming a performer someday. She was able to sign with a music producer and released a few singles.Special note: Rory has a Siren Song ability, where occasionally, the sound of her singing voice has the power to make those who hear her more open to suggestion, more easily manipulated. Rory herself knows she has the capability, but does not know when it activates, how it activates, or how to control it. She has only ever used it once willingly to control someone (RIP Sanori), she does not enjoy using it to manipulate others. Knowing of her powers makes her constantly question whether people genuinely enjoy her singing, or if they merely feel compelled to.
It is said that those affected by this charm are able to hear her sing or speak above any other noise, cutting through clear as a bell. (It makes whispering a difficult task, I'd imagine.)


**Note: needs updating as of 11/23

Albel Noxs


Koh'a Noxs

Hari Kashyap

Kit Rilanth


Sanori Ririnori

Scions / NPCs

Misc. Relationships

Lio Blackblade

Knucklehead #1. Amazing artist, cuddlebug and lowkey precious bean. Rory enjoys spending time with him and Eru out on the town.

Eru Blackblade

Knucklehead #2. Rory will sneak up and tackle him at any given opportunity with her aerodynamic buttcheeks. Angry tsundere marshmallow.


Bun wife #1. Spoils the shit out of Rory as her little pillow princess. Likes to dress her up in cute outfits and smooch her a lot.

Dandelion Hazel-Rah

Bun wife #2. Supportive, loving, and kind, a friend she can always count on. Likes to make Rory sandwiches with Mysty.

Yorn Graves

Can't understand a damn word he says but GODS is he pretty. Charmed Rory during her time in Ishgard, a proper gentleman.

Caedryn Leon


Raven Foxshroud


Kai Borel


Mihiro Chiba



Her FC. Many members' only home is the FC house, and they're as close as family, and regard each other as such. Good times, good company.


**Note: needs updating as of 11/23

Prior to FFXIV:
Rory, or as she's known previously, Arle, has always been my multiverse character, having many different iterations in several different fandoms. Because of this, Rory as she is in the world of FFXIV does subconsciously retain some fragmented memories of her prior lives. These manifest themselves in her making reference to things that do not exist in the XIV universe (pop culture references, songs, even words and proper nouns like names of places).
The truth of her memory being wiped is that, being that she is a multiverse entity, the life stream was not sure what to do with her energy, "spitting" her out into the world in the form which we see her now, devoid of her sense of self, as well as anything from her pasts.
Please note: at no point will her memory return, as there is next to nothing left for her to remember.
We, as her audience, know this, but nobody in world does.
Some events may be out of order within the timeline.

Rory's memory only began at the start of the ARR story line; waking within the carriage ride to Gridania, devoid of all memories, save for her name. Bremondt saw her to the Inn in Gridania after noticing her confusion, paid for a room for her for the night, and went on his way, leaving her to try to sort things out. She left early the next morning and began to search for answers, spending a great deal of time living in the forests of the Shroud.
Her clothes and a makeshift spear being her only possessions at the time, she took to gathering and hunting naked, making it easier to wash afterwards and less wear and tear on her clothes. Rumors began to arise of a feral miqo'te terrorizing travelers within the Shroud. Given that people were now seeking her out thinking she was some kind of menace, she relocated, moving southwards into Thanalan before ending up in Ul'dah.

Adjusting to living on the streets of a city became a bit of a task, as Ul'dah is infamous for its pickpockets and back streets, rife with criminal activity, certainly no place for a young woman. Survival here was harder on her, less places to hide both from people and the elements, as well as lacking in the availability of foragables like her prior 'home'.
She spent a few months relatively unscathed, until she was attacked by three men one night. She narrowly escaped, her clothes being torn off in the process, having to defend herself setting her into a more animalistic state of mind shortly thereafter. It was the morning after the attack that she met Albel, snatching a sandwich out of his hand that he'd bought from a food vendor nearby.
He chased her down, more concerned that there was a naked miqo'te running around on the streets than he was about his lunch being ruined. He eventually caught her in an alley, calmed her down, and took him home with her to his apartment in The Mist, fearing for her safety. After getting her cleaned up, clothed, fed and settled, Albel and his husband, Koh'a, spoke with her, got the story as to how she ended up in such a state, and let her stay with them awhile. After more discussion, they allowed her to stay indefinitely.
As she grew closer with the couple, they quickly became a family to her, and remain so to this day.

The pair welcomed her into their FC, where she would make many new friends, and begin to learn proper combat techniques, being that she had base skills of a Dragoon, that was the path she pursued (against Albel's suggestions of her becoming a Dancer or Healer.) Primarily, she made herself useful within the FC as a gatherer and gardener, tending to the indoor plants and creating a lush garden outside. She also likes to host a monthly brunch for all members, as well as their families, as a way to encourage togetherness, and to be able to cook for her friends.

Albel, taking pride in his hometown of the city of Ishgard, would bring Rory with him back and forth as he helped complete work on restoration of the city, and down the road, construction of the Firmament.
It would be here that she would meet Haurchefant, along with Estinien and Aymeric, mere months before his tragic passing, where they would form a romantic relationship, with him sneaking her into the city on a more frequent basis. She was welcome within the walls of Fortemps manor, where she all but became a member of the family.
Rory would grow a resentment towards the Scions, as she blamed them for the loss of her lover, outwardly expressing as much to Meteor himself upon their first meeting, with her still in the throes of grief.
Months afterwards, and upon the discovery that Haurchefant had, indeed, intended on asking her to marry him, she remained single for some time. When she eventually grew lonely and longing for romantic connection once more, once her grieving had eased some, she opened herself to casual relationships, and finding that a polyamorous lifestyle best suited her.

She spent this time learning more about Eorzea, its people, and finding a social life outside of her home and her FC. The not-yet-widespread use of Tomephones was of interest to her. As the technology developed more and more, she kept a close eye on it, getting footholds on social media while they were still in early stages.
She is most well known for sharing clips of herself singing, most often songs she wrote herself, as well as miscellaneous antics with her friends.
A mistake she made, in retrospect, was using her newfound platform to shit talk the Scions, still bitter and placing blame on them for Haurchefant's death. Though her only direct interaction with any of them was her sole meeting with Meteor in Ishgard, she made herself an unfortunate vocal thorn in their side, questioning the sincerity of their motives and the morality of their methods.

As time passed, Rory became acquainted with their apartment neighbor and FC member, Kit. He took on a 'guard dog' role for her the more they hung out, eventually things escalating into a more romantic direction, much to her worry in the wake of the loss of Haurchefant. In contrast to her other partners, though, these two fell more comfortably into a Master/pet relationship, with Kit enjoying being at her beck and call.
Being an expert in the field, Kit began to take her on his expeditions during his research of Allag tech, where they unfortunately wound up trapped in the Coils of Bahamut. Kit managed to navigate the treacherous tunnels and tech and return them to the surface, all without causing any damage to the complex machines within. The incident scared Rory so much that she has repressed it from her memory, the horrors of some of the things they saw being too much for her.
For reasons unknown, yet another of her adventures with Kit soon went awry. The two had been taking a nap while out adventuring, only to find themselves waking up in an unfamiliar landscape, a vast area awash with purple trees and flowers. A place Kit had only ever seen in his dreams.
The pair, thinking they were in some strange part of Eorzea, explored the strange land, finding their way to what we now know is Il Mheg. The fae of Lydha Lran were fighting off a sin eater, and, not knowing what they were facing, Kit and Rory jumped in to lend a hand. Once the creature was subdued, at the cost of Rory's spear snapping in half, the grateful pixies gifted her a spear laced with fae magic, a token of their gratitude. The glimmering weapon had the power to transform into a weapon of any class, which is why you will see Rory almost exclusively using the Fae set of weapons.
When the couple returned to the spot under a tree where they had originally awoken to rest, when they woke yet again, they found themselves back in Eorzea, the only proof of their venture not being a dream was the crystalline spear laying next to Rory.All would have ended well, for their odd little trip into the unknown, had the presence of her soul not caught the attention of a certain Ascian...

Where her story aligns with MSQ:

Note: TW/CW for- violence, torture, manipulation, physical and sexual assault, trauma

Though she would only speak of it to a small few, her lack of memories weighed heavily on Rory's mind, ever a fear at the back of her head. She found herself worrying that either she would lapse in memory once more, or that someday she would remember, and find herself a vastly different person than who she thought she was.Unbeknownst to her, since her brief appearance on the First with Kit, Rory had been being trailed by Emet-Selch. Initially, while on the Source surpervising Varis' reign of the Garlean empire, he had suspected Meteor of being a shard of Azem, allegedly with their souls being of very similar hues. Sensing her presence while setting some affairs in order on the First, the familiarity of her soul could not be denied, much less her strikingly similar appearance to the Azem he knew.After much careful observation, he saw an opening; her lack of memories may very well have been a result of her sundering. A means of leverage to convince her of his motives, that she might be an essential tool in the pursuit of his current goals. Whether that be to use her as a means to sabotage those who opposed him, or something else, he had not yet decided when he finally approached her.He made promises to her, to give her the answers about her true self that she so desperately desired. While not entirely a trick, as he did believe she was indeed a shard, she fell for the manipulation entirely. To her, he seemed to know so much about her already, and drew her in with that, naïve as she might be.His conditions for meeting with her in the future were that she keep their rendezvous' a secret, leading her to even keep them from Albel and Koha.With each meeting, he carefully divulged just enough to string her along for more, telling her much of the same that he would tell the Scions during their time on the First; about ancient Amaurot and the alleged paradise their world was, of Zodiark and Hydaelyn, the Convocation, and some few antics that her supposed ancient self would get into. All the while, keeping her begging for yet more and more.To strengthen his hold on her, he would occasionally indulge her in sex, citing her rather apparent fondness for it to rile her. This lasted only a few times, as he found old feelings bubbling to the surface, and he put a stop to it.As events on the First progressed and he found the Scions to be far more tenacious than he initially gave credit for, as each Lightwarden fell, Emet-Selch found himself to be running out of time to be patient with Rory to be brought to see reason, in regard to his plans. Knowing her bad blood with the Scions, and specifically Meteor, he thought a visual may better persuade her, and much against her will, dragged her to the First with him, atop Mount Gulg. There, having rushed ahead to defeat Innocence, was a struggling Meteor, battling against the light within him, and the Exarch, fallen to the ground and bleeding from a gunshot.Recognizing Meteor instantly, Rory found herself torn. As Emet-Selch seemed to take some sick pleasure in watching the man struggle, Rory's compassion got the better of her. As she reached out to attempt to help him, the physical contact caused the Light within him to flow into her all at once [STILL WORKING ON WRITING THIS PART, TO BE CONTINUED]

Her canon is a constant WIP and will keep expanding.

NSFW Gallery

**More to be added later


***Note: Rory has pale yellow freckles across her nose and cheeks, please see facial close ups

Casual / Default Glam

Scion Glam

Street / Casual Glam (Old)

Original Glam (old)


Hey! You may call me Arle. (Ar-lee)
28 | female | scorpio | EST (GMT-04:00)

  • Formerly active within the furry fandom

  • New to the game and not particularly good at games in general ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ʰᵒʷ ᵇᵃᵈˡʸ ᶦ ᵖˡᵃʸ

  • I LOVE meeting and chatting with new people. My DMs are open on Twitter!

  • Rory is a multiverse/multiship character

  • She is also my self-insert, so we share many of the same traits and much of the same personality. That said, she is not me, she is an exaggerated caricature I use for the purpose of creative exploration and fun.

  • Please respect that I will not be permanently or exclusively shipping Rory with any one character. She is a free spirit in a polyamourous relationship, leaving me open to ship her with whomever I please, canon or not. Pushing for otherwise makes me uncomfortable and I will not appreciate it.

  • E/RP I am selective with partners, but feel free to inquire! I heavily prefer to get to know someone before I start to RP with them :3

  • Collabs for GPOSEs and scenes are open to friends; please send me a DM to inquire!

  • Both myself AND Rory will flirt with nearly anyone. If either are outside of your preferences and flirt with you, or you just don't enjoy being flirted with in general, all you need to do is just say so and I'll check myself. No offense is ever intended.

  • Don't yuck my yum: I do enjoy darker themes and 'problematic' characters ᶜᵒᵘᵍʰ ᴱᵐᵉᵗ⁻ˢᵉˡᶜʰ often; if I'm posting about something that you don't care for, please feel free to ignore my posts, mute, or unfollow! No hard feelings.

  • I do not like to RP in game, I prefer on discord, especially so I can look back to reference our characters' RP history if needed. I will give you my discord handle if I feel we are a good RP match.

  • RPs are not necessarily within Rory's canon

  • I do spend a lot of time online, but I am an adult with a job, RPs may take awhile and I will not always be available, sorry! :C

  • See F-List for kink info


Jui Centaro

Jui and Rory met in the firmament, where he rescued her from one of the tallest towers (after she got stuck chasing a bird). He thankfully had a very tall skysteel ladder handy, and got her down safely, though he sustained a few scratches from her claws clinging to his arm on the way down.The pair then proceeded to form a very quick, but very passionate, romantic relationship. Jui's dedication paired with his fierce protectiveness makes him a very sturdy, loving partner, which is proven time and time again.Though he struggles to reconcile with Rory being poly, he is actively working to set his insecurities aside, and communicates his needs in the relationship with her as best he can. He is friendly with her other partners, though still feels separate from them, as he is the only one at present who lives in the east rather than in Eorzea.Rory is attracted to the duality of Jui's behavior; in that he can go from a gunblade wielding badass to tripping over his own feet in a mere second. Her presence in his life has helped remind him of things he forgot he loved it; simple things like good food, looking at the sky, tender moments between two people.Jui's chocobo, Food, infamous for being grumpy and giving Jui a hard time, is extremely gentle and loving with Rory, as she spoils him rotten at any given opportunity. Food likes to shit talk Jui to her, and they both like to mess with him.The two also have a penchant for getting themselves into trouble (albeit accidentally) which they narrowly, but always, come out clean from.The two can often be found hanging out with Baga, one of Jui's closest friends. Rory often likes to invite him to their outings, being that he's normally skulking around the area keeping an eye on them anyway.They also have a casual Dom/sub relationship, but mostly keep it between themselves. Rory does have a leather choker Jui made for her that she wears when she is with him in Shirogane.

Bagaga Baga

Jui introduced Baga to Rory unintentionally; they needed his help after an incident in Ul'dah where Rory was drugged. He looked after her while Jui went to investigate the cause.Being an information broker, Baga is always up in Rory's business. Initially, she had to learn to be careful what she says around him, as any snippet of information could send him down a trail. As the two have bonded, it's become clear that he wouldn't use info he has on her to sell to anyone who would hurt her, or Jui. These two are not romantic, but share a bond of understanding and some level of trust.He is lowkey highkey obsessed with Rory's social media, always one of the first to check out her new content. It's not clear whether he enjoys it for the information aspect, or if he just genuinely enjoys the things she posts (we're going to lean towards the latter, because he's a softie deep down.)Rory's friendship with him was rocky for quite some time, due to his unpredictable nature, questionable allegiance, and what seemed to be him judging her lifestyle. Though his heart was in the right place on behalf of his best friend, Jui, he would constantly make Rory feel as if she weren't a good enough partner for Jui, that she was stringing him along and 'unable to commit' due to her being poly. After many long discussions, and seeing the pair when they're "alone" together (because he's a shady little shit), it seems he's convinced her feelings for Jui are genuine, and has seen the effort she puts in to making sure all of her partners' needs are met and that they are comfortable and happy.After a moment where contact between Rory and Baga's aethers triggered an Echo response, Baga was hit with the full force of Rory's memories since waking up in Eorzea, and a flood of her fear and confusion during, intense enough that it made him physically ill for several days. In that time, he saw a memory of hers in the form of a nightmare, in which he learned Rory's darkest secret; [redacted], a secret which he swore he would take to his grave.To date, he is the only person Rory has willingly used her siren song ability on, unbeknownst to him. She used it to make him forget about anything he saw in Albel and Koh'a's apartment, fearing (at the time) that he might try to sell that information to those who would seek to harm them.